Bubble Tea With Misha Lee

Friday Socks

Posted on: June 10, 2010

I found this cute cute picture from weheartit.com Isn’t it adorable? In a few hours from now it’ll be Friday. Yey! So why am I so excited? Well it’s the last day of the work week and that means we are a day closer for the weekend. For the weekend I am looking forward to good food and partying. But no party is ever fun without the right company. =) What are you guys doing for the weekend?

5 Responses to "Friday Socks"

I actually have Friday socks. My most comfortable pair of socks is saved for Friday.

I’m already tired and worn out.. the last thing I need is itchy feet as well, right?

This weekend I’m trying out the new Kebab place in town. And that’s about as exciting as my life gets.

Sounds good to me Sco. Actually the best thing about Friday is being closer to the weekends and time off from work. =)

I’m totally gonna be wearing my Friday socks. With my Friday hoodie and matching Friday track pants. I will have my Friday glass of red in my hand too 🙂
Yay Friday! It’s been a huge week!!

Good food, beer and watching the World Cup 😀 Especially on Sunday, when Slovenia plays 🙂

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